RUSH: I’m making a bunch of predictions today. They’re gonna come true. Just mark ’em. Whatever they try on Obamacare, Obama’s gonna call a press conference with his buddies in the media — the people, poodles that have been humping his leg in the media — and they’re gonna join forces against Trump and say, “This not what the election meant. This is not what the American people wanted.
“We can’t have this, cannot allow this to happen.” There will be a battle begin, and it’ll boil down to Obama — maybe not Obama, I don’t know, but the Democrats certainly — saying, “This is not what the American people wanted in the election,” and the reason, folks, is they don’t give up. Their purpose for living is to beat us. We are their number one enemy. And even when they lose, that remains their objective. I’ve watched ’em. I’ve studied ’em. I know who they are. I know what’s gonna happen.
What needs to happen on our side is what needs to be different. We need to stop kowtowing to it. We need to look ’em in the face and laugh and say, “You know, the corner of the room is over there. You guys lost. Learn it, love it, live it, and leave us alone. We’re in the process of fixing the mess you made!” We don’t ever say that. We talk about crossing the aisle, and we talk about considering opposing views, because we’re of the opinion the American people don’t like us, because the media’s told the Republicans the people don’t like ’em and Republicans have believed it.